
Zoom will be used for Virtual Meets

After receiving suggestions from some members, the NJ Division Board had a discussion at our December meeting concerning which virtual meet service we should use.

A lot of positive comments were received for the Zoom service.

The Board has voted to purchase a 1 year subscription to Zoom for $149.90, with use for up to 99 attendees, and looks like up to 30 hours a month.

So, for January 9th, (and March 13th), we will be using the Zoom service, with check in beginning at 8:30am and the meets beginning at 9am.

NJ Division Board meetings will also be using the Zoom Service to complete our business.

Once we do get back to live meets, we may try having Hybrid Meets as an option. These hybrid meets would will be live meets with live video streaming on the Zoom service of the meet as it happens.

This would allow our members, living in the far corners of our division, the ability to attend live meets without having extended travel times getting to the opposite end of the division. Members not feeling up to being out in public due to sickness or injury can also benefit by us having hybrid meets.

Keep an eye out for this once we get back out again.